Information Zone Blog

Our passions are for finance, accountancy and tax consultancy. Here you will find information, help and advice, and tax updates.

Our passions are for finance, accountancy and tax consultancy. Here you will find information, help and advice, and tax updates.

Management Strategies


Making company charitable donations: the rules

Are you donating money or equipment to a charitable cause? Make sure you’re using the right tax treatment and keeping all the correct records.  more  

What are self-assessment ‘payments on account’?

Do you know what ‘payments on account’ are? If you earn income outside of your usual day job, you really need to know about payments on account and how the income tax system works.  more  

Change of Tax Basis Period for unincorporated businesses: are you ready?

Are you self-employed? Or a partner in a trade partnership? From 2023/24, your accounting period for tax purposes will change – which could mean paying your tax to HMRC much earlie...  more  

Jeremy Hunt's Autumn statement - 2022

In his autumn statement, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt says the budget plans to plan to tackle the cost of living crisis and rebuild the UK economy. We outline the main points. #budget #...  more  

The benefits of splitting your property income

If you co-own a property, there could be an advantage in splitting your profits between the co-owners. We’ve highlighted the tax benefits of a profit split and how we can help you ...  more  

Corporation tax: carry forward or carry back your losses?

Did you know you can claim for losses made by your company? We’ve got the lowdown on carrying forward or carrying back your losses so you can claim corporation tax relief.  more  

Could you be personally liable for your company taxes?

Did you know it’s possible to become personally liable for your company taxes? We’ve got the intell re Joint and Several Liability Notices and how they could affect your personal f...  more